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Scottish Kennel Club (May) Championship Show 2016 Critique

Puppy Dog Abs: 0

1st: McIntyre’s Almondbank What A Boy Mccoy.  Shapley 6 month puppy with plenty of bone and substance.  Nice proportions and balance.  Well constructed forequarters.  Well made powerful hindquarters.  Not yet coordinated in gait.

 Yearling Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st: Sharp’s Killoeter Skye. Masculine 19 month typical head, high set ears.  Good proportions.  Balanced angulation. Well laid shoulder and good upper arm. Needs to settle in hindquarters.

2nd:  Steele’s Sorimsway Valient Hero. 20 month dog more rangy in outline.  Good head, neck and ribbing.  Not quite the infill of 1 but scored in scope of hindquarters.  Untidy on the move.

Postgraduate Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st:  Cunningham’s Teviotdale Banner Blue. Shapely typical masculine dog. Correct outline and pleasing proportions.  Broad hindquarters and good length of drooping croup.  Well developed first and second thigh. Short pasterns. Tidy feet.  Breed typical movement. 

2nd:  Grimshaw & Paisey’s Greyflax Domino To Jamalison. Quality 2 year old hound, well made throughout.  Typical, masculine head, long well arched neck.  Good ribbing, loin and hindquarters. Tidy feet, low hocks. Let down today by being so unsettled to go over. Very promising.

3rd: Grogan’s Albaeirn Col Ciotach

Limit Dog (8 Entries) Abs: 2 

1st: McKinnon’s Finlas At Claonaiglen A soundly made masculine male with size and substance all though.  Strong enough in head.  Well muscled arched neck.  Good, well sprung ribbing.  Muscular loin. Well developed first and second thigh.  Tidy feet.  Moving soundly if a little wide in front. Good in profile.  RCC 

2nd:  Milne’s Islay's Iarla To Leoch (Imp).  Mature male, long of body and limb.  Good ribbing, carried well back. Correct topline, powerful drooping croup and well developed first and second thigh.  Balanced angulation.  Good feet. Settled on the move. 

3rd:  Bond’s Regalflight Rueben 

Open Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st:  Macbean’s Killoeter Ruaig.  Very masculine hound of good size, substance and bone.   Typical head, tidy ears, strong well set neck.  Well made forequarters.  Good ribbing.  Powerful hindquarters.  Would like just slightly more length hip to hock   Not as heavy as his coat suggests from ringside.  Soundly made and sound moving. CC.

Puppy Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st:  McKinnon’s Caonaiglen Carron.  Promising puppy, typical head and expression.  Well made in neck and forequarters.  Developing scope in hindquarters.  Topline should settle with time.  Tidy feet, good bone, harsh coat. Moved very well away and back for age.  Typical movement in profile. BP

2nd: Taylor’s Minerva Mcgonagall Of Ormanstar. Long cast in outline.  Good well set neck and well laid shoulder. Good ribbing very well carried back.  A little overdone in topline at this stage.  Good bone. Tidy feet.  Up and down movement not quite as positive as 1 today.

3rd:  Milne & Andrew’s Leoch Kelpie 
Junior Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st:  Adams’ Stranwith Nia for Zandahar.  A very balanced and well made bitch with everything in the right place.  Much to like about her but moderate substance and at present lacking in condition.  May fill out with age and fulfil the promise of her well constructed frame.

Yearling Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 1 

1st:  Barret’s Stranwith Rafaela.  Striking 20 month bitch of super type.  Well proportioned head, good depth of muzzle and flat skull.  Small well set ears.  Strong well set neck.  Very good in topline, hindquarters, sweep of stifle and tail.  Not quite the front of my top winners.  

2nd:  Bailey’s Greyflax Ruby Tuesday.  Another shapely bitch of good type, similarly constructed. Feminine head with correct, soft expression.  Nice flowing outline to neck, topline, croup and tail. Long forearms, short pasterns, well made feet.  Not quite the hindquarters of 1.  

Postgraduate Bitch (11 Entries) Abs: 4 

1st:  Taylor & Peach’s Kilbourne Tess To Talorpeche.  Stood out in the class for the soundest movement.  A bitch that can stand with a typical outline but maybe not always trying her best today. Good proportions, body, ribbing and hindquarters.  Plenty of bone and tidy feet.

2nd:  Grogan’s Albaeirn Marcella.  Well made bitch, balanced in outline and proportions. Lean but very well muscled. Good bone and length of leg.  Feet could be tidier. Good rugged coat.  Did not make the best of herself on the move.

3rd:  Bailey’s Greyflax Teen Spirit 

Limit Bitch (6 Entries) Abs: 3 

1st:  Swanson’s Cotherstone Brogue Of Altimarlach. Good sized bitch.  Typical head with soft expression,  Good length neck well set into well set forequarters.  Good depth of chest and length of forearm.  Well arched loin.  Marked slope too croup.  Could be a little tighter on the move.

2nd:  Smart’s Kessoch Marsco Of Greystiel.  Shapely feminine bitch with pleasing outline.  Feminine head, soft expression.  Well set ears.  Good neck set, toppling and underline. Stands out well behind.  Could be more settled on the move. 

Open Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 2 

1st:  Macbean’s  Ch Killoeter Ralia. Very typical bitch of good size, bone and substance.  Super outline.  Correct feminine head, well set neck of good length..  Well laid shoulder, moderate upper arm.  Good ribbing and well muscled loin. Powerful sweeping hindquarters.  Among the very few moving straight coming and going away.  Typical action in profile. CC & BOB

2nd: Taylor’s Kilbourne Pandora To Talorpeche  A longer cast bitch.  Very soundly made, good type, not the balanced outline of 1.  Moved out well in profile, up and down. RCC

3rd: Barret’s Ch Stranwith Ariadne 

Hector Heathcote (Judge)